Saturday, July 27, 2013

My House Is My Palace

As a new family of course raises many new things as well that must be faced by a husband and wife. One of them is home to shelter, to rest after a day of activities reaching sustenance, for romance and so on. Comfortable home and working properly that is desired by a family, because it starts from a house will also form the smallest unit of society is called knit family.
Magnificent house with full amenities makes no guarantee of families who live in them can live comfortably. There are many examples of events despite a broken family owns and lives in a luxurious house. Awareness of each member of the family that can keep the family unit. Awareness that they must unite complementary to achieve a common goal, a happy family, full of love, and blessed by God. 
There is no harm if a family has a beautiful home, with an ornamental garden in the backyard, pond containing colourfull koi fish, and highlighted the garden lights at night. But it would be wonderful if in it there is a married couple who get along and love each other, and maybe plus some healthy and intelligent child and dutiful to parents. Oh, like a family in heaven.

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